Do You Know Your Life Purpose?

The questions below are based on proven scientific studies to determine how well you know your purpose. There is no right or wrong answer so just try to answer it as honestly and as accurately as you can. 

Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. Completely Routine ------------------------------------------ Always Exciting
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. No goal or desire -------------------------------------------------- Many well-defined goals and desires
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. Exactly the same -------------------------------------------------- Always new and different
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. To have never been born --------------------------------------- To have nine more lives just like this one
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. Laze around for the rest of my life ---------------------------- Do the exciting things I’ve always wanted to do
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. Haven’t made any progress ------------------------------------- Have achieved all of them completely
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. Empty and full of desperation ---------------------------------- A collection of good and exciting things
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. Completely worthless ------------------------------------------ Very worthwhile
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. I often wonder why I exist ------------------------------------ Always find reasons to live
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. Completely confuses me ------------------------------------- Fits meaningfully with my life
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. Very irresponsible person ------------------------------------ Very responsible person
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. Completely bound by limitations of heredity & environment -------------Totally free to make life choices
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. Unprepared and frightened ---------------------------------- Prepared and unafraid
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. Thought of it seriously as a way out ------------------------ Never given it a second thought
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. Practically none ------------------------------------------------- Very great
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. Out of my hands and controlled by external factors ------------- in my hands and in control of it
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. A painful and boring experience ------------------------------- A source of pleasure and satisfaction
Selected Value: 0
Slide the button to your right to provide value between 1 and 5. No mission or life purpose -------------------------------------- A satisfying life purpose