Woman of God: Do you know your purpose in life and are you living it?
Historically, God used several women in the Bible to bring His redemption plan into fruition:
Eve was to be a help mate for Adam
Sarah was to be a testimony of God’s faithfulness for giving birth to a promised child at an old age.
Ruth was to have a beautiful love story with Boaz and their story to be told to a lot of single women to encourage them to wait for God’s best.
Mary of Nazareth was to be the virgin mother of Jesus the Messiah.
Hannah was to give birth to Samuel who would later become the prophet to anoint David as a king.
Esther was to be a queen and save the Jews from getting annihilated.
Deborah was to be a remarkable judge and prophetess.
Tamar, Rahab and Bathsheba – They’re all a part of the lineage of Jesus.
Even the unnamed woman with the alabaster jar – the only time she was mentioned in the Bible was when she washed the feet of Jesus with her expensive oil and used her hair to dry his feet.
Every single one of these women was born to fulfill a God-given purpose that has changed the lives of millions of millions of people, including you and I.
So let me go back to my original question: Do you know your purpose in life and are you living it?
Do you wake up every morning excited and knowing that it is yet another day for you to live your purpose and make a difference?
OR does every day feel like just a mundane routine?
Maybe you feel like you’re just drifting along…no focus, no clarity, no direction.
Maybe you feel like you’re stuck and unable to move forward. You’ve tried self-help books but none seemed to have helped.
Dreams and goals…you had them before but you faced disappointments after disappointments and you decided put them on the backburner or totally given up on them.
Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year…nothing seems to be changing and you’re deeply yearning for change….for sense of fulfillment…for purpose.
You know that you are made for more.
You know that God has a plan for you.
You know you have a purpose.
You just don’t know what it is.
And you need help. You desire for someone to take you by the hand, walk this journey with you, and figure that out.
This is where I come in. This is where The Pursuit of Destiny comes in – a 10-week program with both biblical and practical ways to help you achieve your utmost God-given potential.
Hi, my name is Lynne G. Caine. And I’ve been where you are.
I know what exactly it feels like to be wandering aimlessly in life and wondering what my purpose was after so many trials and errors in different aspects of my life.
Until one day, God changed all of that and gave me a sense of direction and aligned me with His purpose…what He had in mind for me before He even created me in my mother’s womb.
I want to help you with the same through my 8-week program The Pursuit of Destiny.
At the end of 8 weeks, you will…
- Get unstuck, have clarity, sense of purpose, and fulfillment.
- Have a better understanding of yourself and realize how your upbringing and childhood experiences, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, personality type, gifts and talents, and passions and hobbies can be tied in to your purpose and destiny.
- Break free from the past so you can move forward
- Get rid of limiting thought patterns and negative believes
- Recognize, expose and break the lies of the enemy that have been holding you back from fulfilling your purpose
- Be equipped with both biblical and practical tools to fulfill your purpose
- Have a group of women supporting and encouraging you
- Most of all, feel more connected to God and His plan for you
Whether you’re 15 or 50 or anything in between, you can reconnect with who God created you to be – a queen who was created for such a time as this.
You can live your life daily with intention and with meaning…making a difference in your family and community.
You can leave a mark in this world. You can leave a legacy.
If this is the cry of your heart, then let’s do this journey together.
Don’t live another meaningless and unpurposeful day. Get aligned.
Sign-up for The Pursuit of Destiny. Enrollment ends January 15.
Course Features
- Lectures 10
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Students 97
- Assessments Yes
- 11 Sections
- 10 Lessons
- Lifetime
- INTRODUCTIONDant fatebuntur laelius adversum potest nam etiamsi inconstantiae facere peti dissentiens suadeas utuntur capite0
- I. Hearing from God1
- II. Who Are You and Why Are You Here2
- III. Getting To Know Yourself (Self-Discovery)Fructus tubulo primos fugiunt cogitari expetenda tantae pollicentur prorsus sequi necesse partus miserum sapientis sapienter1
- IV. Breaking Free from the Past So You Can Move Forward1
- V. Recognizing, Exposing, and Breaking the Lies of the EnemyIntellegerem deceat quandam perpetuam inportuna utamur doleas consequentia epulis rotundum easque diligentius gratia5
- VI. How to Find Your Calling? (Discovering Your Purpose)0
- VII. How to Fulfill Your God-Given Destiny0
- VIII. Writing Down The Vision0
- IX. Imagination and Declaration/Confession0
- X. Perfect Examples of Imperfect Women in the Bible Whom God Used and Why God Can Use You Too0